There are many significant benefits to universal vaccine policies. Improved accessibility is one the major benefits because both privately and publicly insured children and adults have access to vaccines. The roadblock of not being able to afford vaccines is no longer an issue.

Marcella Bobinksy, Executive Director of the KV Foundation, compares National Immunization Survey (NIS) Numbers from two universal-select states and then compares one universal state to one universal-select state. She found that when medical providers have universal access to recommended childhood and adolescent vaccines, more children are vaccinated.

The impact of a universal vaccine purchase program in North Carolina was examined based on change in immunization rates. It was concluded that a universal vaccine program was associated with improved immunization rates, specifically for children with little to no insurance.

Vaccination provides more benefits than just the prevention of specific diseases. If there was universal access to vaccines, it would provide every individual the opportunity to live a healthier and fuller life. Universal access to vaccines could directly improve health-care services, protect against bioterrorism, promote economic growth, and influence various other global issues.

Approximately 10 years after the establishment of the Maine Vaccine Board (MVB) in 2010, consulting firm BerryDunn conducted a third-party impact analysis to assess the efficacy of the MVB's universal purchase program.

The impact of a universal vaccine purchase program in North Carolina was examined based on change in immunization rates. It was concluded that a universal vaccine program was associated with improved immunization rates, specifically for children with little to no insurance.

Marcella Bobinksy, Executive Director of the KV Foundation, compares National Immunization Survey (NIS) Numbers from two universal-select states and then compares one universal state to one universal-select state. She found that when medical providers have universal access to recommended childhood and adolescent vaccines, more children are vaccinated.

Approximately 10 years after the establishment of the Maine Vaccine Board (MVB) in 2010, consulting firm BerryDunn conducted a third-party impact analysis to assess the efficacy of the MVB's universal purchase program.

Vaccination provides more benefits than just the prevention of specific diseases. If there was universal access to vaccines, it would provide every individual the opportunity to live a healthier and fuller life. Universal access to vaccines could directly improve health-care services, protect against bioterrorism, promote economic growth, and influence various other global issues.

There are many significant benefits to universal vaccine policies. Improved accessibility is one the major benefits because both privately and publicly insured children and adults have access to vaccines. The roadblock of not being able to afford vaccines is no longer an issue.

Universal Vaccine Programs
Maine’s Universal Vaccine Program Saves Payers 20-30%, Increases Access
swxadmin-nope2021-07-28T16:09:40-04:00July 22, 2021|Categories: Universal Vaccine Programs|
Impact of Universal Vaccine Purchase Program in North Carolina
swxadmin-nope2019-11-22T15:05:16-05:00November 21, 2019|Categories: Universal Vaccine Programs|
Why Universal Purchase Policies Matter
swxadmin-nope2020-11-11T15:33:46-05:00November 21, 2019|Categories: Universal Vaccine Programs|
Learn About How Universal Vaccine Programs Could Reduce Inequities and Improve Public Health
swxadmin-nope2019-11-22T15:06:06-05:00November 21, 2019|Categories: Universal Vaccine Programs|
Benefits of Universal Vaccine Policies
swxadmin-nope2020-11-23T14:14:14-05:00November 21, 2019|Categories: Universal Vaccine Programs|